Sunday 18 May 2008

I have concern

In the early 1980s - I think it was 1983 when I was easier subject to hypnosis, or interrogation in a truth-drugged condition as it may have been, because I was living with my parents (as against 1980 when I was living on my own in my own house) - I developed the notion that what was going on was an attempt to induce schizophrenia in a person with a schizoid personality (thought to be most likely a pre-schizophrenic personality) and find out about schizophrenia by ‘hypnotically’ - or using a truth-drug - getting inside his mind. This theory I had fell into abeyance when from 1984 for year after year and decade after decade my life was an empty non-life which I could not see would be of interest to any ‘investigators’. I am now mooting the same theory again.

I have no concern whether I am ‘genuinely’ schizophrenic, or if there is any sense in which the label could be applicable to me. All I am concerned with, in relation to schizophrenia and my own ‘case’, is that antischizophrenic drugs even if they have no noticeable ‘side-effects’ merely by their antidopamine action make my life miserable and empty. And they can be - and in the past have been - administered to me by compulsion. Furthermore no one admits any wrong has been done; still less am I offered compensation. I must go on fearing that such drugs may again - when things have settled into a lull - be introduced into our water supply. This inclines me to be unhelpful: the main reason in the past I have tried to ‘help out’ has been that I thought I might thereby save myself further or worse drugging (for example by explaining - or trying to, to psychiatric people evidently too dense to understand the first thing - the deleterious effects of antidopamine drugs).

In Spring 2006 when we were living in Dawn’s house in Worksop I was invited (through not overly subtle hints in phone conversations with people supposedly at NHS Direct) to maintain archives of stuff on my computers. Fair enough: I have more or less done this. My suspicion (in regard to the DIXONSXP desktop in particular) is that attempts are going to be made to steal this information. Surely even just the laws of copyright should protect me. Not that there is much to be kept secret: but in fact a lot of what I have spent time doing over the past two years (as against the preceding twenty-five when I did virtually nothing) was work created by The Experiment, which otherwise I would not have had to take time out to do and therefore I should have got more sensible stuff done. So while what I have stored up is not secret, it is of value to me as the product of time taken up perforce by the fact of The Experiment. In other words it should not be stolen but I should be paid for it, and certainly exempted from future drugging (one possibility of course being that I might be drugged into insensibility or some species of folly so that information could be copied or stolen outright, as the computer hard disc in August 2005 was stolen outright).

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