Monday 7 January 2013

Consequence or inconsequence

07/01/13 08:14 [Monday]
I was going to tweet about one thing leading me to another so that if I introduce too much change (or am subject to too much change) I do one thing then have to do more in the knock-on then have to do more to retrieve mistakes and alterations and so it goes on possibly without end. But less so now I am on dopamine-blocking medication. I cannot tweet it though because there are too many words to it.
One of the things on my to-do list (prepared early this morning soon after I got up) is to scan the remainder of my Filofax diary for 2012. However I cannot get at the scanner because it has stuff on it as a consequence of Dawn's return to live here at the bungalow until the bungalow is sold. We have her stuff scattered all over the place here where it was off-loaded from the van it was brought in.
The knock-on task then was to clear the top of the scanner. This led to me putting items left over from Christmas in the Welsh dresser we have in the living room. That in turn led me to realise I had not catalogued all the items (mainly documents) in the Welsh dresser on the occasion recently I was cataloguing so much. So I have catalogued them and things still remain now on top of the scanner. So I have not done my scanning.
Anyway, the dopamine-blocking in my head results in my sensing how boring this is - cataloguing about cataloguing - so I will now grind to a halt. I will however mention that on the higher dosage of Risperdal I was on last year, anything I might do struck me as boring, empty and devoid of consequence before I started it. So it is a matter of balance: do so much but not too much which the average observer would declare inconsequential.

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